Meret zoekt een Studio / Appartement in Wageningen

Meret zoekt: Een Studio / Appartement in Wageningen

  • Studio / Appartement
  • Min. 0 m2
  • Vrouw
  • 13 Per direct

My name is Meret (23), I'm from Germany and currently searching for a new home, because I'm doing my pre-masters and then my masters degree in food technology at Wageningen University. I‘m currently living in a corridor with 16 people but I‘m not feeling like I want to live here for the next 3 years as it is just very dirty all the time…

I lived in a shared apartments during my bachelors degree and enjoyed that very much. I like having some time on my own, but I also like to have a chat or a glas of wine in the evening with other people while cooking some (vegetarian) dinner. As I have been living on my own for the last 2 years, I'm quite aware of what needs to be done in and around the house.

In my free time I enjoy dancing, going to the gym, cooking and being in nature. 
I fluently speak German, English and French and I have some Dutch words in the back of my head.

Algemene informatie: Meret
  Vrouw, 23 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  4e jaars Food Technology (UNIVERSITEIT)